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Co-ed Flag Football Rulebook
Updated April 2022


Before diving into the rules, please remember this is a non-contact social league filled with competitive personalities. PlayMakers Club exemplifies competition as well as respect and sportsmanship. As a non-profit, we hold our players to a high standard when it comes to respect for everyone (other players, referees, spectators, etc.).

Failure to adhere to such standards will result in disciplinary action per PlayMakers Club’s authority. PlayMakers Club officials have the power to dictate what classifies as a violation of the above expectation.

Some violation examples include:

- Intentionally targeting players, referees, fans during active play

- Cursing at players, referees, fans

- Fighting players, referees, fans

- Taunting players, referees, fans

- Offensive Behavior

PlayMakers Club supports and promotes individuals representing all races, ethnicities, nationalities, disabilities, religions, sexual orientations, and genders. PlayMakers Club does not tolerate any crude behavior made towards individuals’ backgrounds/identities. Any individual who violates this will immediately be removed from Playmakers Club indefinitely.



Each player must be 14 years old to play on a registered team. If under the age of 18, parental consent is required.


Players are to register and play as the gender that is on their state or federal issued identification documents.


Each player must accept the waiver beforehand to be eligible to play during the season.


Each player that is listed on the roster is regular season and playoff eligible. 


Substitutes or (non-registered) players not listed on the roster are INELIGIBLE for playoffs.


Players from other teams can act as substitutes (if need be) for teams that do not have enough players during regular season games. Teams are also able to find substitutes outside of the league, however, said substitutes must sign the waiver before playing.

Teams with enough players are allowed to get a sixth (6th) player from another team to substitute to prevent injury, take breathers/rest breaks, and have water breaks during regular season games. That substitute cannot receive more playing time, meaning a captain is not allowed to sit a player that does not want to sit.   



The officials will address any pre-game questions with the captain. If a disagreement within the game happens, the official will only speak with the team captain. 



Teams must have three available rostered players for a game to be played. If a team only has two available rostered players, they can still play (with subs) but with only four (4) players on the field. Anything less will result in an automatic forfeit.

Each forfeited game will result in both a loss and a -21-point differential towards the respective team’s standings. 


Teams can still use their impacted time slot(s) to play a full scrimmage.



There is no overtime in regular season (pool play) games.

There is only overtime in playoff games.



PMC will provide two (2) officials for each game. 

Officials have the authority to make any call they deem necessary. Calls can be discussed by captains and officials and must be done in a respectful manner.

Officials have the authority to eject any player from the game for unnecessary behavior or violating any protocol.



Article 1. 5v5 Non-Contact Coed flag football teams should consist of 2 females on the field at all times. Non-Contact Coed flag football teams must also consist of 1 male on the field at all times or be subject to forfeit. A typical team would consist of 3 males and 2 females, but you may use more females than required, but no less than 1. As long as you have 1 females and a minimum of 3 total players on the field you are eligible for play.

For women’s and coed formats, a junior size or intermediate size football is allowed.

Article 1. To ensure coed participation, a penalty will ensue if the offensive team fails to use a female as an operative player within 3 consecutive downs. This applies to the full game. The penalty for running 3 consecutive plays without a female as an Operative Player will be a 5 yard penalty and a loss of down (i.e. if it was 1st down during the penalty, it is now 2nd down) and the female must now be the operative player on the next play.
Article 2. An Operative Player is defined as a player who:
Is the intended receiver in the eyes of the official
Runs the ball as the primary runner (must cross line of scrimmage)
Receives the snap as the QB and attempts a forward pass beyond the line of scrimmage.
Article 3. An Operative Player is NOT defined as a player who:
Hands off the football
Snaps the ball into play
Receives a hand-off only to give it back to a male before crossing the line of scrimmage
Receives a pitch downfield
Article 4. Examples of an operative player:
A pass deflected by a male and caught by a female is a female play
A pass intended for a female (in the eyes of the referee) that is deflected by a female, and caught by a male counts as a female play
A pass thrown by a male, received by a male and immediately pitched to a female (the “hook and ladder”) will not constitute a female play – no matter how far the female advances with the ball after the pitch
A pass intentionally grounded by a female in the last one minute of either half in order to stop the clock DOES count as a female play
If a female pitches the ball to a male behind the line of scrimmage this will not result in a female play.
A female intercepting the ball on defense in a pick 6 scenario would count as the operative player.
Article 5. Defensive Penalties: All defensive penalties will reset the operative player requirement for the offense.
Article 6. Laterals: If at any point in a scoring play a male player on the scoring team receives a lateral or handoff downfield, or in the backfield and runs past the line of scrimmage, the play will be ruled a 6 point play whether a female was involved as an operative player at any point or not.



Article 1. The quarterback may not run unless the ball has been thrown back, handed or pitched to him or her in the backfield.
Article 2. Teams may handoff (unlimited), pitch, or throw back in the backfield. UNLIMITED laterals or throwbacks behind the LOS are allowed for the player to remain eligible to pass.
Article 3. Pitching (backwards/laterally) is allowed downfield (unlimited). Handoffs are allowed forward or backwards when behind the line of scrimage, and only backwards beyond the line of scrimage. A handoff DOES NOT count as a lateral/throwback.
Article 4. A forward pass DOES NOT have to cross the LOS to be a legal play.
Article 5. If the ball is placed on the “Back” of ANY player, the player MUST run the ball (no give and go to the QB on the back)
Article 6. No run zones are located 5 yards before mid-field and 5-yards before the end zone.  You may not run the ball in the no run zone (5-yards before the first down and end zone), only forward passes are allowed to advance the ball past the line of scrimmage. Laterals and handoffs are still allowed.
Article 7. Ball is spotted where the ball is at the time of the flag pull. The ball must break the plane of the midfield or goal line to be considered a first down or touchdown.
Article 8. Players may NOT block down field in any form.

Article 1. The quarterback has 5 seconds to pass the ball if there is no rush. If the ball is not thrown, then the play is dead. After the ball is ruled dead it is returned to the line of scrimmage.
Article 2. Once the ball is handed off or pitched backwards the 5 second count stops. If the defensive team rushes, then there is no 5 second count.
Article 3. There is no arm in motion, if the ball is in hand when the quarterback’s flag is pulled then it will be ruled a sack.
Article 4. Interceptions may be returned.
Article 5. The rusher may not have any contact with the QB (no hitting the QB arm or knocking the ball out of the QB hand).
Article 6. If ANY part of the players body is behind the LOS it is a legal pass

Article 1. All players are eligible to receive a pass, including the quarterback, if the ball has been pitched or handed off in the backfield.
Article 2. Players must have at least one foot in bounds when making a catch.


Article 1. Players that blitz/rush the quarterback must be a minimum of 7 yards from the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped.
Article 2. The 7 yards will be measured off by a referee.
Article 3. Players that are not 7 yards from the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped may not enter into the backfield until there is a change of possession.
Article 4. The blitzer/rusher is allowed a direct lane to the line of scrimmage as long as he or she rushes from either side of the center or outside the bunch formation. The offense must avoid interfering with the rusher if he or she has established a lane. Officials will announce LANE or NO LANE for rushers/blitzers prior to the snap. This is a judgement call/decision based on the spacing between the players in the offensive formation. A space of 12″ or greater in length between two players constitutes a lane at the officials discretion.
Article 5. The rush of a blitzer has to be immediately after the snap, quick and straight towards the point where the quarterback receives the snap in order to retain the right of way. If a blitzer is rushing late, slowly, aiming at another spot, changing direction during the rush or just does not rush the quarterback, the player loses the right of way but still can participate as any other defensive player.


Article 1. Contacting receivers is not allowed
Article 2. Pass interference normally occurs above the waist; entangled feet are not considered pass interference. Incidental contact is not considered pass interference.
Article 3. A player may “find” their opponent by reaching out and placing a hand on them as long as touching does not delay, impede, twist, or turn their opponent.  This is not considered pass interference.
Article 4. A player may use their arms or hands to intentionally obstruct the receiver’s view (face guarding) of the ball without turning their own head to play the ball as long as noteworthy contact is not made with the receiver.
Article 5. If defensive pass interference occurs in the end zone the ball will be placed on the one-yard line, automatic first down.
Article 6. Interceptions may be returned. Interceptions in the end zone that are not returned to the field of play will result in a touchback and the ball will be spotted on the 5-yard line.
Article 7. Contact away from the direction of the pass is not considered pass interference but may be considered illegal contact.
Article 8. Whether a pass is catchable or uncatchable has no bearing on pass interference. The benefit of the doubt is given to the receiver. Examples of pass interference include:
Shoving or pushing off to create separation.
Playing through the back.
Hook and turn: grabbing the torso and turning an opponent before the pass arrives.
Arm bars, hooking, restricting, grabbing wrists, or turning a receiver.
Blocking downfield before the ball has been touched, commonly seen through “pick plays”.



Article 1. Touchdowns
6 points awarded for all male participation
9 points awarded for female participation as the operative player.
Article 2. Extra Points
1 point awarded for all male participation play from 5 yard line
2 points awarded for all male participation from 12 yard line
2 points awarded for female participation as the operative player from the 5 yard line.
3 points awarded for a play featuring female participation as the operative player from the 12 yard line.
Article 3. No Mercy Rule during pool play games. During playoffs, if a team is up by 48 points or more during tournament play at any time, the game will be over.

Article 1. Standard dimensions of the field are 60 yards long by 25 yards wide with 7 yard endzones. Approved field sizes may fluctuate from 53-64 yards long when necessary, or 23-30 yards wide. Endzones should not be shorter than 5 yards.

Article 1. A coin toss determines 1st possession. The team can elect to have offense, defense, defer or direction. Choice in the 2nd half will be awarded to the team that did not have the choice 1st half.
Article 2. The offensive team takes possession of the ball at their 5-yard line and has three plays to cross mid-field. Once a team crosses mid-field they have three plays to score. If the offensive team fails to cross mid-field, the ball changes possession. If the offense does not score, the ball changes possession. All drives start from the 5-yard line with the exception of an interception.
Article 3. No blocking is allowed. No intentional contact is allowed.

Article 1. Teams also must have the same color shirts and have an alternative color (one dark color/one light color). They do not have to be official uniforms. If both teams are wearing the same color, there will be a coin toss, and the losing team will need to change into a different color. Failure to provide a secondary uniform or unwillingness to change will result in a forfeit.

Article 1. Game clock is 25 minutes long. Two 12-minute halves and 1-minute halftime.
Article 2. Each team has two 30-second timeouts PER GAME. If a time out is called after a TD, the clock will not run until the change of possession and the offense snaps their ball.
Article 3. The play clock is 25 seconds from the end of the previous play.

Article 1. The clock will run continuously during the 12 minutes of the first half unless a team timeout is used or play is stopped by an official (e.g. deal with an injury, challenge, referee conference, game management purposes, etc.)
Article 2. The head official will give a verbal two-minute warning (for rule specific changes inside 2 minutes)
Article 3. The clock will run during point-after-touchdown attempts (PATs) in the first half unless either team opts to use a team timeout.

Article 1. In the second half the clock will run continuously for the first 12 minutes unless a team timeout or an official’s time out is used.
Article 2. The one-minute warning will stop the clock in the second half if the score difference is 8 points or less.
Article 3. The head official will give a verbal two-minute (for rule specific changes) and one-minute warning as close as possible to the actual marks but will not interrupt a live play.
Article 4. At the one minute warning officials will use a ‘stop’ clock mechanic for the remainder of the contest.

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